Excessive Negative Thinking Counselling
Thinking is a process that can make us or break us. All of us have experienced negative thoughts in our lives and some of us continue to experience them on a daily basis. If our thinking is negative in nature it can impact us on both physical and psychological levels which can lead to self isolation from family and friends, High blood pressure, depression anxiety etc. But what is negative thinking? How do we overcome it? Is it something that occurs automatically?
Let’s understand what negative thinking is; negative thinking is a mindset created by negative thought patterns about self, others and the world in general. In simple words it is an uncontrolled urge of the mind to always consider the worst in every situation. Negative thinking is so addictive in nature that gradually it becomes automatic and disqualifies the possibility of positive outcome in any situation. Experts call this Automatic Negative Thoughts; in this situation negative thoughts arise automatically in every situation, making you believe that there is no hope for a positive outcome in life.
At Tejas Psychological Counselling-Hypnotherapy Center, certified, holistic integrated psychotherapy trained online/offline counsellors provide 100% safe confidential online/offline counselling space to help you with these issues.
Tejas Psychological Counselling-Hypnotherapy Center and online / offline counselling
Relationship Counselling
- Online Counselling
- Individual Counselling
- Marriage Counselling
- Pre-Marriage Counselling
- Post Marriage Counselling
- Breakup Counselling
- Couple Counselling
- Relationship Counselling
- Divorce Counselling
- LGBTQ Counselling
- Domestic Violence Counselling
- Holistic Integrated Therapy
- Hypnotherapy
- Life Coach
- Counselling Psychotherapy - An Awareness