LGBTQ Counselling
Sexual characteristics are different. The attraction for the same sex rather than the opposite sex is what gay and lesbian mean. By bisexual is meant an attraction for both sexes. When gender identity differs from the one assigned at birth, it is called transgender. All these categories different from the usual are represented as queer. LGBTQ in India has some issues to redress. LGBTQ personal problems require research and close attention.
The art and science of counseling and therapy borrow from various disciplines. Psychology and psychiatry, CBT, and NLP are some of the approaches. Reprogramming the mind and feelings, emotions and thoughts is an effective strategy.
Opening up to the world is a difficult task for the affected person. Having lived under stress for so long, leading an ordinary life of study and work gets challenging indeed. Discrimination is everywhere like in the school and office, marketplace, bank and post office, shopping, and travel.
At Tejas Psychological Counselling-Hypnotherapy Center, certified, holistic integrated psychotherapy trained online/offline counsellors provide 100% safe confidential online/offline counselling space to help you with these issues.
Tejas Psychological Counselling-Hypnotherapy Center and online / offline counselling
Relationship Counselling
- Online Counselling
- Individual Counselling
- Marriage Counselling
- Pre-Marriage Counselling
- Post Marriage Counselling
- Breakup Counselling
- Couple Counselling
- Relationship Counselling
- Divorce Counselling
- LGBTQ Counselling
- Domestic Violence Counselling
- Holistic Integrated Therapy
- Hypnotherapy
- Life Coach
- Counselling Psychotherapy - An Awareness